To prevent abuse and exploitation of the members of attendees, each attendee agrees to keep to the following Code of Conduct.
1) Equality. Every attendee is subject to the Code of Conduct. No
one is exempt from the Code of Conduct for any reason.
2) Accountability. The following behaviors are deemed unacceptable, both for participants and game content. Anyone engaging in these behaviours will be asked to leave and will not be welcome to future events:
—Bigotry (racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of
—Sexual harassment or assault
-Other types of harassment, deliberate intimidation, unwelcome private messaging, etc.
—Threats or incitement of violence against real people
3) Safety: We will use a variety of content safety tools during events, such as the X-Card, lines and veils, etc. Attendees are expected to respect others' boundaries and not press anyone about content they do not want to engage with.
Furthermore, note that while bigotry is expressly forbidden, political expression is not. Our stance is that declaring a place 'politics free' is a cowardly act that gives comfort and agency to bigots while policing marginalized folks for just existing.